Helping first home buyers to get a
Smarter Start
Buying your first home has gotten quite complex with a lot to learn.
You need to learn about getting KiwiSaver and the First Home Grants, understanding what the Reserve Bank rules and exemptions are plus the various different bank lending policies and the non-bank policies too.
Add to this the mix of mis-information that often comes from well meaning people whom have not recently purchased (like family and friends) or the bank staff that only tend to know the policy for the bank that they work for, and it is no wonder that so many Kiwis get confused and frustrated.
Buying your first home is meant to be fun, but often it becomes stressful.
We created Smarter Start to ensure that people had somewhere to get all the information needed in one place and make buying your first home easier and more fun.
Your Pathway to Home Ownership
Why I Created This Course

Problem #1
Deposit is Too Small
The bank tells me I need a larger deposit
I’ve seen advertisements saying you can buy a house with as little as 5% deposit, but now I’m being told that I need a lot more than that.
Why can some people buy their first home with just 5% deposit but not me?
It just doesn’t seem fair. I know that I can afford the repayments as they are about the same as paying rent, but it’s too hard to save the deposit.
Problem #2
How Much Other Debt Is Okay?
Sure, we do have a credit card and some other debt but it’s not a problem.
We have always paid the debts and have had no problem getting loans any time that we have wanted to get something so why are we now being told that we have too much debt?
It doesn’t seem right.
The debts that we have are not too much and I know a lot of our friends have more debt than we have, so why should it be a problem for us? How much debt is it okay to have when you are applying for a home loan.

Problem #3
Why Do I Need More Income?
We earn good incomes and have never had any problems paying our rent and expenses and of course we know that we will have no trouble paying the mortgage repayments.
So why would they say that we do not earn enough?
Our friends purchased a house and they earn less than us. It just doesn’t seem fair that we are getting told that we do not earn enough when we know that we are doing pretty well.
Get The Answers To These Questions & Much More Too
Learn What The Banks & Other Lenders Want
Save time getting the info
We created the Pathway to Home Ownership as an online course with all the information in one place to make it easier and to save you time.
Get the right advice
Understanding your options is key. This online course will provide you an amazing amount of information so you can make decisions that are right for you.
Achieve your dream faster
Once you know what the banks and lenders want you are able to chose a path to home ownership that will work for you. Get started today and achieve your dreams.
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